NCLB Title Components

Title 1 Components

Title 1, Part A

Title 1 Part A makes available additional finances for resources needed by schools with a large number of students who are from a low socioeconomic household. Funds are generated throuh the combining of four formual grants: Basic, Concentration, Targeted, and Education Finance Incentive Grants. This supplemental funding should provide the resources needed to supply a high-quality education to help all children to meet the state's student performance standards. The programs that are funded by Title 1, Part A should use scientifically based researched programs and instructional strategies to help students who are at risk of not passing state testing. This additional funding comes through the state to the local education agency.

The funds generated flow through the United States Educational Agency to the state. The funds that are given to schools must be used to provide serices that are beyond the regular services normally provided by the school.

Title 1 Priority Schools

Texas Title I Priority Schools (TTIPS) are federal funds provided as a part of the United States Education Agencies School Improvement Grant. (SIG) This grant was established to assist local education agencies (LEAs) or school districts who qualify for Title I funds, to receive aide toward improvement academically.

The SIG was authorized by U. S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, to fund transformational changes of the underserved students in low-performing schools. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) applied to receive funds from SIG to fund what is TTIPS. TEA in conjunction with the School Improvement Resource (SIRC) and the Texas Center for District and School Support (TCDSS) provide districts with improvement programs and intervention models for schools to follow. These programs and interventions will serve school who are “persistently low-achieving” in order to improve academic achievement. (“Texas Title I,” 2013)

Title 1 Migrant

The goal of the Migrant Education Program (MEP) is to support migrant students to succeed in school and provide a transition to postsecondary education or employment. Many of the issues these students face are in direct correlation to mobility challenges, language, and the migratory lifestyle. The funds provided by Title 1 part C, are used to provide a comprehensive education program that helps with the disruptions caused by moving from place to place. This program ensure that migratory students are treated fairly in their educational graduation requirements as they cross state boundaries. The program provides students with support services to meet their special needs as well as ensuring that they receive the same opportunities to meet academic achievement standards.  MEP also endures that migratory students “receive benefits from state and local reform.” ("Program Connections," 2010)

Title 1 At Risk

This federal funding is part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) that provides funds for children and youth who are neglected, delinquent, or at risk of dropping out of school. No Child Left Behind (NCLB), through ESEA, provides supplemental funding to state and local education agencies. The funding is to provide children who are neglected or delinquent the opportunity to attain knowledge and skills needed to perform on state exams. The main focus of Title I, part D is to aid students through transition from correctional programs through to performing on state exams, to postsecondary education, and/or employment. There are two subparts, Title I, Part D Subpart 1, provides assistance to State agencies Texas Youth Commission and Windham School District or educational programs in youth institutions. Title I, Part D Subpart 2, provides assistance to local education agencies that are in locally operated correctional facilities. ("Title I," 2010)